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July 13, 2004

Revenge is a Dish Best Served with Cheese

Revenge is the name we have given our version of Loaded Nachos. Why Revenge? Many moons ago Kristen's sister made us a recipe called Southwest Fiesta, lots of it. By the 3rd or 4th day of leftovers we started calling it "Fiesta, The Revenge" like it was some movie sequel. From there it just became Revenge, and even though we changed many of the ingredients the name just stuck.

This is one of those recipes you can't do wrong. You can vary any of the ingredients to suit your own tastes but this is our favorite. Naturally, we use real cheese. We prefer Tillamook - unless you're on the east coast, then get yourself some 5x sharp cheese. Mmmmmm sharp cheese.

Here's the Revenge Recipe, submitted for your enjoyment.

posted by John at 4:54 PM - (LINK)