January 29, 2005
I was inspired to make homemade pierogies yesterday and enlisted John as the filling-maker, while I played with the dough. We'd never made them before so we browsed through John's "New York Cookbook" which had a couple of recipes. We took ideas from each of them, depending on what ingredients we had on hand.
For the filling, John boiled a few peeled and chunked potatoes (too many, as we ended up with a lot of extra filling - two would have probably been enough), mashed the potatoes, and then added finely chopped and then blanched onion and garlic, and some fresh ground black pepper and salt. The dough was pretty basic - a bunch of flour, some milk, a bit of oil, salt, and three eggs. It came out quite soft and elastic, like pizza dough. I actually had to add a bit more flour to stiffen it beyond the 'really thick batter' phase. I rolled out the dough to about 1/8" thick and then made cutouts with a biscuit cutter. We then filled the cutouts of round dough with the filling and a bit of finely shredded extra sharp cheese, folded them over and pinched them shut, and then boiled them up. When they were done, we sprinkled more cheese on top. (We considered lightly frying them to crisp them up afterwards, but were too hungry for yet another step.)
 If this is any kind of testimonial, they tasted almost EXACTLY like the Mrs. T's Pierogies you can get in the freezer section at your local grocery store, only better, so we must have done something 'right' - LOL. (Click here for the full recipe.)
posted by Kristen at 5:07 PM
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