Recipes Index

December 27, 2004

A Few Sour Grapes

In our ongoing adventure in learning about wine, we bought an unknown brand to go with our Christmas meal: a Covey Run Cabernet Savignon from Washington State. Covey Run Cabernet Savignon We had an eye of the round roast, baked potatoes, and baby glazed carrots for the meal, which was splendid, but which conflicted horribly or was completely overrun by the flavor of the wine, which I wasn't overtly fond of just by itself either. It seemed to have a sour taste that had nothing to do with 'robust flavor'. I wonder if it might have been better with something more zesty than your basic meat and potatoes, but that might have added even MORE conflict to the taste - just not sure. In any case, it was a learning experience - maybe next time I'll stick to a Merlot when making a roast beef, and only kick the wine selection up a notch when we have an enthusiastically marinated steak or the like.
posted by Kristen at 1:12 PM | (LINK) |
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